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NeuroSpin Conferences

Gradient magnet interaction results on Iseult: discoveries, lessons and future exploitation

Le 16/01/2023

​Nicolas Boulant, BAOBAB / NeuroSpin

Short abstract:

After nearly 20 years of research and development, the Iseult magnet successfully reached its 11.7T nominal field strength for the first time in July 2019. The field homogeneity has been adjusted and the control system tested against internal and external faults that could affect the future MRI operation. The peripheral equipment (gradients and consoles) has been integrated and interactions between the gradient coils and the magnet and the ir impact on cryogenics and on the magnet safety system have also been studied for magnet protection and integrity. Vibrations, acoustics and field monitoring experiments finally were carried out to characterize and understand the system and to prepare for MR exploitation. The MR scanner is now at the final calibration stage to pave the road towards the first acquisitions on human volunteers. This presentation reviews the Iseult MRI commissioning status as well as the gradient-magnet interaction test results. Knowledge and understanding about the behavior of the scanner (field, vibrations, acoustics, cryogenics and MSS) is strongly recommended for efficient exploitation.

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