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Unraveling the effect of the locus coeruleus on brain states and dynamics with preclinical fMRI

Du 09/01/2023 au 09/01/2023

Valerio Zerbi, EPFL, School of Engineering (STI), Neuro-Institute, Lausanne / CIBM Centre for Biomedical Imaging, has given a talk.

Short abstract:

The recent advancement of MRI-based tools for mapping brain function in rodents provides a great platform for discovering the determinants of functional (dys)connectivity, whether genetic mutations, environmental risk factors, or specific cellular and circuit dysfunctions. In my talk, I will describe our most recent contributions to the field, underlining the drawbacks of utilizing such a technique while also emphasizing the novel opportunities that this technology can provide.
I will also discuss how perturbational techniques can be used to dissect the fundamental aspects of fMRI coupling and reveal the causal contribution of neuromodulatory systems to brain network activity, with a particular emphasis on the locus coeruleus / noradrenergic system.
These examples highlight how rodent functional imaging has the potential to increase our understanding of the origins and drivers of human functional connectivity.

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