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Conférence NeuroSpin

Using the Brain Imaging Data Structure (BIDS) for MRI & MEG data at NeuroSpin

Du 01/02/2021 au 01/02/2021

Yann LE PRINCE, Isabelle COURCOL, Sophie HERBST (UNICOG/NeuroSpin/CEA-Joliot) will give a talk on Zoom on January 25th.

Invited by: Florent Meyniel

Short abstract:

Open science has become an important goal for the cognitive neuroscience research community, and sharing data publicly is considered good practice, and often required, for instance by funding agencies or journals. The Brain Imaging Data Structure (BIDS) has been developed to unify the formatting and documentation of behavioral and neuroimaging data. Today it is the reference for sharing data between people/labs at Neurospin as well as external collaborators. We will give an overview of the BIDS standard for MRI and MEG, and the tools made available by the community, as well as inside Neurospin, to efficiently transform data and validate the output.

Yann Le Prince will present the BIDS standard for (f)MRI, and tools available in common software packages.
Isabelle Denghien will explain how to use the neurospin_to_bids.py script to import MRI data from devices (Trio, Prisma) to create a BIDS dataset. This script allows to import (retrieve data and convert them in nii format), deface T1 (optional) and add all mandatories/optional files which are required by BIDS specifications in the case of MRI data.
Sophie Herbst will present the BIDS standard for MEG, and companion tools by MNE python, as well as a joint effort between Neurospin and the MNE Python developers to create a BIDS-based MEG processing pipeline.

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