| 1999-2006 | |
Identification of factors involved in neurogenesis recovery following irradiation of the adult mouse subventricular zone, a preliminary study.
François Chevalier, Alexandra Chicheportiche, Mathieu Daynac, Jordane Depagne, Pascale Bertrand, François Boussin, Marc-André Mouthon.
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Réponses au niveau cellulaire et conséquences.Pascale Bertrand, Jérome Lebeau, Catherine Lecomte-Pradines, Odile Rigaud, Bernard Lopez.
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Use of terminal deoxynucleotidyl transferase for mutagenic dna repair to generate variability...Patent 2012/013717
Inventors : ROUGEON François, BOUBAKOUR Imenne, LOPEZ Bernard, BERTRAND Pascale, 2010.
An in vitro enzymatic assay coupled to proteomics analysis reveals a new DNA processing activity for Ewing sarcoma and TAF(II)68 proteins.
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The DNA polymerase lambda is required for the repair of non-compatible DNA double strand breaks by NHEJ in mammalian cells. Capp JP, Boudsocq F, Bertrand P, Laroche-Clary A, Pourquier P, Lopez BS, Cazaux C, Hoffmann JS, Canitrot Y.
Dumay A, Laulier C, Bertrand P, Saintigny Y, Lebrun F, Vayssière JL, Lopez BS.
Saintigny Y, Bertrand P*, Lopez BS.
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p53's double life: transactivation-independent repression of homologous recombination. Bertrand P, Saintigny Y, Lopez BS.
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Overexpression of mammalian Rad51 does not stimulate tumorigenesis while a dominant-negative Rad51 affects centrosome fragmentation, ploidy and stimulates tumorigenesis, in p53-defective CHO cells. Bertrand P, Lambert S, Joubert C, Lopez BS.
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Human POMp75 is identified as the pro-oncoprotein TLS/FUS: both POMp75 and POMp100 DNA homologous pairing activities are associated to cell proliferation. Bertrand P*, Akhmedov AT, Delacote F, Durrbach A, Lopez BS.
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Analysis of intrachromosomal homologous recombination in mammalian cell, using tandem repeat sequences. Lambert S, Saintigny Y, Delacote F, Amiot F, Chaput B, Lecomte M, Huck S, Bertrand P, Lopez BS.