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Leti Innovation Day Tokyo 2024

Du 09/10/2024 au 09/10/2024
Residence of the Ambassador of France to Japan


​CEA-Leti has invested in multidisciplinary platforms with unique equipment and expertise around innovative technologies. This strategy not only helps bridge the gap between business and research, but also meets growing industry demand for a lab-to-fab fast track. During this upcoming 18th edition of Leti Innovation Days Tokyo, CEA-Leti’s CEO will be pleased to meet with partners and explore further possibilities for collaboration in Japan.

This year’s main theme is “Innovate, integrate, elevate: your lab-to-fab fast track”, or in other words, how to move quickly and efficiently to turn an innovation into a commercial product.​

Infos Pratiques

Leti Innovation Day Tokyo 2024​ is organized by CEA-Leti.

Contact: Evelyne Etchebehere​​  with any questions​

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