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An Imprecise Stopping Criterion Based on In-Between Layers Partial Syndromes

Publié le 1 octobre 2018
An Imprecise Stopping Criterion Based on In-Between Layers Partial Syndromes
Declercq D., Savin V., Boncalo O., Ghaffari F.
Source-TitleIEEE Communications Letters
ETIS, ENSEA, University of Cergy-Pontoise, CNRS, Cergy-Pontoise, France, Computer Engineering Department, University Politehnica Timisoara, Timisoara, Romania, CEA-LETI, MINATEC Campus, Grenoble, France
In this letter, we address the issue of early stopping criterion for layered LDPC decoders, aiming at more safeness with low hardware cost and minimum latency. We introduce a new on-the-fly measure in the decoder, called in-between layers partial syndrome, and define a family of stopping criteria, with different tradeoffs among complexity, latency, and performance. Numerical results show that our stopping criteria surpass existing solutions, and can be as safe as the full-syndrome detection, down to frame error rates (FERs) as low as FER = 10-8. © 2017 IEEE.
early termination, in-between layers partial syndrome, Layered LDPC decoder
Computer hardware, Decoding, Degradation, Hardware, Niobium, Complexity theory, Early stopping, Early termination, Frame error rate, LDPC decoder, Low hardware costs, Numerical results, Stopping criteria, Iterative decoding
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