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Cooperative communication protocols with energy harvesting relays

Publié le 29 mars 2018
Cooperative communication protocols with energy harvesting relays
Mheich Z., Savin V.
Source-Title2017 Wireless Days, WD 2017
CEA-LETI, MINATEC Campus, Grenoble, France
This paper proposes new cooperative protocols based on energy harvesting relays. The protocols are based on the time switching and power splitting receiver architectures. The proposed protocols provide a fair cooperation, such that the relay does not use its own energy to help the source but harvests energy from the source signal. Assuming that the source knows channel statistics, the throughput achieved by the protocols can be larger than that of direct transmission depending on system parameters. We provide analytical expressions of the outage probability and study the effect of various system parameters on the performance of the protocols. © 2017 IEEE.
Energy harvesting, Network architecture, Analytical expressions, Channel statistics, Cooperative protocols, Outage probability, Power splitting, Receiver architecture, Source signals, Time switching, Cooperative communication
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