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To carry out their activities, Research Teams of the Frédéric Joliot Institute for Life Sciences have developed high-profile technological platforms in many areas : biomedical imaging, structural biology, metabolomics, High-Throughput screening, level 3 microbiological safety laboratory...
All the news of the Institute of life sciences Frédéric Joliot
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Aloïse Mabondzo, research director, head of the Neurovascular Pharmacology Group of the SPI (DMTS), co-founder and scientific director (CSO) of CERES BRAIN THERAPEUTICS, has just obtained funding of nearly one million US dollars from the prestigious National Institute of Health for his project « Neuroprotective Strategy: Novel Purine Derivatives for Neonatal Hypoxia-ischemia ».
Jean-Luc Gennisson (BioMaps/SHFJ) coordinated, in partnership with the CEA-List (Sylvain Chatillon), the EchoBrain project (ATTRACT/H2020) aimed at adapting the digital tools developed by the List (CIVA platform) to significantly increase the quality of brain echography images, simple alternative compared to the methods (MRI, X-ray scanner) currently used for the diagnosis of strokes.
Coordinated by the Imagine Institute for Genetic Diseases, the ATRACTion program is based on a consortium of 11 academic and industrial partners, including SPI (DMTS), and aims to develop a precision medicine for patients with autoimmune and inflammatory diseases associated with primary immune deficiencies.
AROMA, a FET-Open H2020 project, aims to develop the methodology necessary for the optimal operation of the future 11.7 T MRI being installed at NeuroSpin. This 5-year project, coordinated by Nicolas Boulant (NeuroSpin), with an overall budget of 3.6 million euros, involving six partners from five countries representing academia and industry, started on January 1, 2021.
EBRAINS (European Brain ReseArch INfrastructureS) is a european research infrastructure designed by the scientific community which, based on a set of state-of-the-art digital platforms, aims to answer the analysis and processing needs of large brain data sets. CEA carries for France EBRAINS inscription on the European Strategy Forum on Research Infrastructures roadmap, which was submitted in early September 2020.
This appointment comes after more than 15 years of close scientific collaboration between Bruno Robert's team in CEA Paris-Saclay and the Physics Department of the University of Vilnius.
Theofanis Panagiotaropoulos (NeuroSpin) obtains funding from the Human Brain Project for BRICON (Brain Inspired Consciousness), a project of HBP's neuroscience activities.
Solène Marie is one of the 35 laureates of the L'Oréal-UNESCO National Prize for Women in Science "Jeunes Talents France". She is rewarded for her work at the SHFJ.
On September 3, the European Research Council announced the names of the 436 winners of the ERC Starting Grant 2020 call. Florent Meyniel, CEA researcher at the NeuroSpin department of the Joliot Institute, is among them.
A team from the I2BC publishes in FEBS Journal an exhaustive review of the various mutations affecting the structure of type A lamins, proteins that make up the envelope of the cell nucleus (nuclear lamina), which lead to premature aging in people with the disease (Progeria).
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CEA is a French government-funded technological research organisation in four main areas: low-carbon energies, defense and security, information technologies and health technologies. A prominent player in the European Research Area, it is involved in setting up collaborative projects with many partners around the world.