Team Leader | |
Team members
Grégory BEAUDET, ingénieur Naka BEGUEDOU, ARC Sandrine CREMONA, ingénieure Fabrice CRIVELLO, chercheur Christophe DELALANDE, ingénieur Alexandre GAUVIN, doctorant Thomas HIRSCH, ingénieur Isabelle HESLING,chercheuse Gaël JOBARD, chercheur Marc JOLIOT, chercheur Alexandre LAURENT, ingénieur
Myriam LEKKAL-BOUKRA, doctorante Gaëlle LEROUX, ingénieure Sophie MAINGAULT, post-doc Bernard MAZOYER, chercheur Emmanuel MELLET, chercheur Antonietta PEPE, post-doc Laurent PETIT, chercheur Ernesto SANZ-ARIGITA, chercheur Ami TSUCHIDA, post-doc Laure ZAGO, chercheuse
Neurofunctional Imaging Group (GIN) is a Mixed Research Unit belonging to the Frédéric Joliot Institute.
His multidisciplinary team brings together scientists from different backgrounds: mathematics and instrumentation in medical imaging, nuclear medicine, signal processing, psychiatry and cognitive neuroscience, who study the cognitive, behavioral, genetic, morphological and functional foundations of hemispheric specialization (HS).
Created in 1989 in Orsay, this project has developed a collective expertise in the field of
cognitive neuroimaging. The GIN has the know-how for all
functional imaging techniques (PET, MRI, EEG, MEG, TMS) from experiment phases to data analysis.
Outils de recherche
The GIN is a founding member of theExcellence Laboratory (LabEx) TRAIL, and is also associated with
LabEx BRAIN. The GIN is finally involved in the cohort of excellence i-SHARE.

GIN in 2016