Institute Authorities
The Frédéric Joliot Institute for Life Sciences was set up on 1st February 2017. Philippe Vernier is the director since October 1, 2019.
Annie Rivoallan is the deputy director of the institute. They are assisted by
Sylvaine Gasparini, Science Officer and
Eliane Deck-Chaumont, Administrative Assistant.
Assistante :
Cécile Grech

Director Philippe Vernier | Deputy Director Annie Rivoallan 33 (0)1 69 08 40 76 | Science Officer Peggy Baudouin-Cornu 33 (0)1 69 08 51 37 | Administrative Assistant Caroline Marié 33 (0)1 69 08 20 09 |
Research themes of the Institute
Research Teams of the Frédéric Joliot Institute for Life Sciences jointly carry out research based around three axes :
This research is fundamental, technological, methodological or applied, which gives the institute a very complete positioning, from research to industry, to respond to societal issues related to
energy and
The Institut expertise covers a broad spectrum of skills, ranging from biology to mathematics and computing to medicine, physics and chemistry. This multidisciplinarity enables us to study living things in all their complexity, from molecular instruments to the whole organism.
For that reason, Research Teams of the Institute have high-profile platforms and infrastructures at their disposal, certified
IBiSA or integred in Infrastructures Nationales en Biologie et Santé (INBS) fund by the Programme Investissements d'Avenir (PIA) : France Life Imaging (Biomedical Imagery), FRISBI (Integrative Structural Biology), MétaboHUB (Metabolomics) et NeurATRIS (Translational Neuroscience Research).
The Institute includes three Departments
... and one Service
It counts 740 employees half of whom is part of Mixed Research Unities (UMR), in partnership with CNRS, INRA, Inserm, Paris-Sud et Paris-Descartes universities. Its Research Teams are located mainly in Saclay and Orsay but also in Marcoule, Caen et Bordeaux.
Departments adress : CEA Paris-Saclay 91191 Gif-Sur-Yvette cedex France Access map to CEA Saclay | Service Hospitalier Frédéric Joliot adress
: 4, place du Général Leclerc 91401 Orsay Cedex |
The Institute for Integrative Biologie of the Cell (I2BC) UMR 9198 (CEA, CNRS, Paris-Sud University) set up on 1st january 2015.
Two service of the Frédéric Joliot Institute are part of the I2BC and form the
I2BC@Saclay Department; these two service are required to join the CNRS campus of Gif-sur-Yvette in 2019.
Click here to download the whole chart of the management of the Frédéric Joliot Institute ici.