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To carry out their activities, Research Teams of the Frédéric Joliot Institute for Life Sciences have developed high-profile technological platforms in many areas : biomedical imaging, structural biology, metabolomics, High-Throughput screening, level 3 microbiological safety laboratory...
All the news of the Institute of life sciences Frédéric Joliot
A team from SIMoS (DMTS) identifies a subtype of sodium channels, expressed in spinal ganglion sensory neurons, as a target involved in the action of crotalphine, an analgesic peptide derived from rattlesnake venom.
Researchers at DMTS and SHFJ have carried out a multiplexed analysis of tumor cells and tissues, based on the use of cleavable therapeutic antibodies carrying mass tags, for the identification and quantification of cancer biomarkers. A proof-of-concept demonstrating the high potential of this tumor immunoprofiling approach
The first data from the QSM4SENIOR project, led by teams from NeuroSpin and VENTIO, have been published in Frontiers in Neuroimaging. They provide a highly accurate map of changes in iron levels during normal brain ageing, a valuable aid for scientists specialising in neurodegenerative diseases.
As a stakeholder in the NOMATEN Centre of Excellence for innovative multifunctional materials, the CEA-Joliot Institute supports its development by regularly organizing training sessions for its staff. The latest examples.
A l’occasion d’une rencontre entre nos deux chargées de recrutement de volontaires « sains », retour sur cette activité indispensable pour l’ensemble de la recherche biomédicale menée au sein de deux départements de l’institut Joliot : NeuroSpin et le SHFJ.
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CEA is a French government-funded technological research organisation in four main areas: low-carbon energies, defense and security, information technologies and health technologies. A prominent player in the European Research Area, it is involved in setting up collaborative projects with many partners around the world.