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Our engineers and researchers train their Polish counterparts to enhance the skills of the NOMATEN centre of excellence

As a stakeholder in the NOMATEN Centre of Excellence for innovative multifunctional materials, the CEA-Joliot Institute supports its development by regularly organizing training sessions for its staff. The latest examples.​

Published on 5 July 2024

NO​MATEN is a Centre of Excellence (CoE) established on the initiative of the National Centre for Nuclear Research (NCBJ, Warsaw, Poland) to develop innovative multifunctional materials for industrial and medical applications.

NOMATEN is supported by the European Commission through a ​« CSA teaming » grant, which started in December 2019 and supports the NCBJ in its desire to increase its experimental resources and enhance its skills in the field of materials science and radiopharmaceuticals development. The CEA and the Joliot Institute in particular are involved in this sponsorship initiative. The Joliot Institute is contributing its expertise in i) cyclotron production of radioisotopes, ii) radiochemistry and development of radiopharmaceuticals for diagnostic (imaging) and therapeutic use, iii) molecular labelling using both stable and radioactive isotopes to support drug development, and iv) analysis of materials in contact with, for example, tritium.

The Institute's activities include regular training sessions given by our engineers and researchers.


For example, Julien Varin, cyclotron engineer at the SHFJ, welcomed the two people who will be responsible for operating a cyclotron currently being installed at the NCBJ. This cyclotron will be able to accelerate protons from 15 to 30 MeV, deutons from 8 to 15 MeV and alphas to 30 MeV. For three weeks, Julien shared his expertise on the IBA-Cyclone-18 MeV (protons) / 9 MeV (deutons) cyclotron used at the SHFJ (within the BioMaps unit) to produce fluorine-18, carbon-11 and oxygen-15 for clinical and pre-clinical PET imaging.​

Julien Varin (left) with Tomasz Janiak (centre) and Sebastia Ganko (right), the future pilots of the new cyclotron currently being installed at the NCBJ.​ © CEA


In another recent example, Anne Wijkhuisen and Patricia Brochard from the LERI (SPI/DMTS) provided a one-day mini-training session in early July on the use of a cell sorting device, the BD FACSMelody cell sorter, which is routinely used at the LERI for the production of monoclonal antibodies using the hybridoma method. One person from the NCBJ and two people from VTT (Finland), a NOMATEN partner organization like the CEA, attented this training.
From left to right, Kristiina Iljin (MTB), Emilia Barannik (MTB) and Marcin Zieliński (NCBJ / NOMATEN CoE), Anne Wijkhuisen and Patricia Bouchard from SPI. © CEA

Conta​​​ct Frédéric-Joliot Institute for Life sciences:

Frédéric ​Dollé (

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