The “Viral Infection Control” Laboratory (CoVir) is interested in understanding the mechanisms leading to the persistence of infectious pathogens in patients in the case of the AIDS virus (HIV) and its Simien equivalent (SIV).
Two major issues are discussed:
Mechanisms for the persistence of HIV/SIV in viral reservoirs
We focus in particular on adipose tissue, which contains cells "reservoirs” of HIV: CD4 T lymphocytes and macrophages. We have shown that despite antiretroviral treatment, HIV persists in adipose tissue. We are currently studying the microenvironment of infected cells and its potential role as an immuno-regulator. The presence of different immune control points is important in this context. We combine immuno-virological analyses with pharmacological studies to quantify anti-retroviral molecules in tissues and in target cells.
The role of the immune system in controlling HIV/SIV
Through access to the primary infection cohorts and those of HIV controllers, we are able to study various parameters involved in the spontaneous control of HIV, in particular the role of CD8 T lymphocytes, their interactions with cells such as dendritic cells and interferon signatures.