Genoscope and the CNRGH have integrated, since their foundation, all the technological advances necessary in order to maintain their competitiveness at international level in the fields of production, processing and analysis of genomic data.
Thus, the sequencing and/or genotyping platforms of Genoscope and the CNRGH, adapted to their respective needs, are continuously upgraded and reequipped to keep pace with the rapid progress of the second-generation technologies. The platforms will be upgraded further as third-generation technologies arrive on the market. Similarly, the bioinformatics teams of the Genoscope and CNRGH platforms have developed skills and tools meeting the scientific requirements of their respective departments.
Genoscope and the CNRGH also relie on considerable information technology (IT) resources and skills in the service of all its scientific operations: system and network architecture, production management. In order to absorb the massive increase in the volume of data generated, Genoscope and the CNRGH have also set up a strategic partnership with the CEA's computation center at Bruyères-le-Châtel (CCRT/TGCC) where capacities dedicated to the storage and processing of data have been deployed in the context of France Génomique.