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Published on 3 July 2024


MIRCen is one of the founder members of the federative research institute for neurofunctional imaging (IFR 49). MIRCen is also a member of the Neuropôle de Recherche Francilien (NeRF) and the advanced themed research network « Ecole des Neurosciences Paris Ile-de France»(ENP).
In addition, MIRCen carries out many research projects funded by the French national research agency (ANR).



NeurATRIS is a translational research infrastructure for biotherapies in neurosciences. This project, unique in Europe, has been granted €28 million of funding. It is designed to structure the establishment of platforms and the provision of services for academic and industrial players from the domain of translational research in neurosciences, at the national and European levels.

It is also an infrastructure project, covering large items of equipment and various types of expertise for the benefit of this major axis of research. In concrete terms, this project aims to develop treatments for neurodegenerative diseases and, more generally, to increase our understanding of the physiopathological and biological mechanisms of nervous system development.

Three major objectives have been defined:

  • The provision of high-level technological platforms and services,
  • The development of R&D in the health industry,
  • The revitalization of this sector, improving its attractiveness and standing in France.

This project is run by a consortium including the Institut d’Imagerie Biomédicale (CEA/I²BM), l’Institut de Neurosciences Translationnelle de Paris (IHU-AICM), the Henri Mondor and Bicêtre Hospitals, and l’Institut des Biothérapies pour les Maladies Rares (with major contributions from Philippe Moullier’s unit UMR INSERM 1089, and INRA/Oniris at Nantes).
NeurATRIS is coordinated by Philippe Hantraye and Catherine Lubetzki

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France Life Imaging (FLI)



France Life Imaging (FLI) is a research infrastructure designed to establish a coordinated and harmonized biomedical imaging network in France.

This project was recently selected for Investissements d’Avenir funding for “Infrastructures in biology and health”. Its mission is

1. To coordinate, at the national scale, research activities in the domain of imaging in vivo and to combine skills to push back current technological barriers;

2. To provide scientists with ready access to a complete range of imaging technologies (150 imaging systems) and integrated and harmonized services. Furthermore, this infrastructure will be open for collaborations with industrial partners.

FLI will also provide training programs associated with its imaging platforms. FLI is complementary to France BioImaging (cell imaging), which was selected for funding as an infrastructure project in 2011.

The provision of services is organized around six regional nodes, with MIRCen being part of the Paris Sud (South Paris) node, together with a transverse node for data management and analysis..

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