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Genoscope's laboratories

DossierSequencing Laboratory

The Sequencing Laboratory assumes projects from receipt of the samples through validation of the raw sequences. Sequencing is ensured by second-generation very high-throughput sequencers. The machines enable throughput enabling whole-genome sequencing in a limited timeframe.

The projects implemented by the Sequencing Laboratory are essentially large-scale projects accepted following a Genoscope call for projects and, more recently, since 2012, France Génomique "Major sequencing projects, option Biodiversity" calls for projects. The Sequencing Laboratory also assumes all its own projects managed by the Genoscope scientific teams.

​The projects currently ongoing cover a large panel of microorganisms, for example:

- Resequencing:  unicellular fungi such as the yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae or plants such as rice (genus: Oryza),

- De novo sequencing of protists (Paramecia), animal organisms such as Lymnaea (genus: Lymnaea) or plant organisms such as wheat (genus: Triticum),

- Sequencing of the transcriptomes of eukaryotic organisms such as oak (genus: Quercus),

- Metagenomic and metatranscriptomic projects (projects:  Tara Oceansbiodiversity of French soil)

 - Sequencing projects for the genome of the Périgord black truffle and Ectocarpus genome.

1002 yeast genomesbiodiversity of Alpine plants.

Published on 21 December 2021