Founded in 2010, CATI, or Centre d'acquisition et de traitement des images in french, is a national service platform supporting more than 30 muticenter neuroimaging studies in the fields of neurodegenerative diseases and psychiatry (AD, Parkinson, Huntington, ALS, Bipolar, etc.) including several therapeutic trials.
CATI was born out of a consortium of neuroimaging research laboratories who have complementary expertise : NeuroSpin (the French high-field MR imaging center of the CEA) and four teams located in La Pitié-Salpêtrière Hospital: ARAMIS and CENIR (the neuroimaging analysis research team and the neuroimaging platform of the Brain and Spine Institute), IM2A (the Institute for Memory and Alzheimer's disease) and LIB (an INSERM/UPMC unit focusing on research on functional imaging).
Building upon a large network of harmonized imaging facilities, the platform monitors acquisitions and performs centralized image analysis from a wide portfolio covering most of the MRI/PET/SPECT modalities. A machine learning service targetting biomarkers can be provided on demand following the needs. Raw data and analyses are delivered through a web service to the study's consortium according to the requests of the PI. Thanks to the harmonization of imaging acquisitions and analyses across studies and pathologies, the platform fosters collaborations in order to speed-up the emergence of research projects at the scale of big data.