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MIRCen Seminar

MIRCen Seminar: "Induction of parkinsonian-like pathology in mouse lemur"

Du 21/09/2018 au 21/09/2018
CEA Fontenay-aux-Roses, Building 61, MIRCen Conference room

Start at 11:30AM
Nadine Frances, UMR 1198 Inserm, Montpellier

Nadine Francès is scientific officer of the "Cerebral aging and neurodegenerative diseases" team from the "Molecular Mechanisms in Neurodegenerative Diseases" laboratory (UMR_S 1198, University of Montpellier/EPHE).

She is lecturer at the University of Montpellier and the Ecole Pratique des Hautes Etudes (EPHE, Sorbonne). 

More information about the team: 

Seminar open to all interested researchers.

Infos Pratiques

CEA Paris-Saclay, site de Fontenay-aux-Roses,
18 route du Panorama
Fontenay aux Roses

Building 61, MIRCen Conference room

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