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Webinar "How Rodent and NHP Models Support COVID-19 Treatment Development"

Du 16/11/2021 au 16/11/2021

Oncodesign organise le 16 novembre un webinar en partenariat avec IDMIT sur la Covid-19 et les modèles d'études précliniques d'intérêt.

Ce webinar, en anglais, sera animé par Roger Le Grand | Directeur du CEA/IDMIT et Nicolas Legrand | directeur d'unité d'étude et du laboratoire vivo d'Oncodesign.

Résumé du webinar :

Preclinical validation of an extended portfolio of prophylactic and therapeutic options against SARS-CoV-2-induced pathologies remains a major challenge for the scientific and medical community. In this context, the high value of several animal models of SARS-CoV-2 infection has been demonstrated to screen a variety of products, such as vaccines, biologics or small molecules (repurposed drugs and new chemical entities). Still, choosing the right animal model might be challenging, based on various modes of action and/or timing of action of the tested molecules.

In this webinar, our guest presenters will discuss several case studies to illustrate the features of rodent (golden Syrian hamster, human AC2-expressing mice) and nonhuman primate (NHP) models, which provide different pathology settings (moderate vs. severe COVID-19). These examples will help the attendees in their decision process regarding valid COVID-19 model selection.
There are two main rodent models available to study the effects of potential COVID-19 treatments. SARS-CoV-2 infection of hamsters results in a moderate COVID-19 pathology (transient body weight loss, moderate lung inflammation) with rapid development of a protective immune response (cytokine release, neutralizing antibody response). Lethal models of SARS-CoV-2 infection, linked to severe cytokine-release syndrome, can be obtained using human ACE2-transgenic mouse models.

In the NHP SARS-CoV-2 infection, a large number of clinical, biological, virological and immunological parameters can be monitored in a close-to-human setting. In all of these experimental models, prophylactic and therapeutic strategies can be evaluated, depending on each product-specific mode of action.

Register for this webinar HERE to learn how to select the most appropriate COVID-19 animal model for preclinical studies.

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