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Publications CNRGH

Rare De Novo Missense Variants in RNA Helicase DDX6 Cause Intellectual Disability and Dysmorphic Features and Lead to P-Body Defects and RNA Dysregulation

Publié le 2 octobre 2023
Rare De Novo Missense Variants in RNA Helicase DDX6 Cause Intellectual Disability and Dysmorphic Features and Lead to P-Body Defects and RNA Dysregulation
Date de publication20/08/2019
Balak C, Benard M, Schaefer E, Iqbal S, Ramsey K, Ernoult-Lange M, Mattioli F, Llaci L, Geoffroy V, Courel M, Naymik M, Bachman KK, Pfundt R, Rump P, Ter Beest J, Wentzensen IM, Monaghan KG, McWalter K, Richholt R, Le Bechec A, Jepsen W, De Both M, Belnap N, Boland A, Piras IS, Deleuze JF, Szelinger S, Dollfus H, Chelly J, Muller J, Campbell A, Lal D, Rangasamy S, Mandel JL, Narayanan V, Huentelman M, Weil D and Piton A
Année2 019
Département / Service
Date de création 
Facteur Impact 
url DOI10.1016/j.ajhg.2019.07.010

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