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Identification of 15 new psoriasis susceptibility loci highlights the role of innate immunity

Publié le 6 octobre 2017
Identification of 15 new psoriasis susceptibility loci highlights the role of innate immunity
Tsoi LC, Spain SL, Knight J, Ellinghaus E, Stuart PE, Capon F, Ding J, Li YM, Tejasvi T, Gudjonsson JE, Kang HM, Allen MH, McManus R, Novelli G, Samuelsson L, Schalkwijk J, Stahle M, Burden AD, Smith CH, Cork MJ, Estivill X, Bowcock AM, Krueger GG, Weger W, Worthington J, Tazi-Ahnini R, Nestle FO, Hayday A, Hoffmann P, Winkelmann J, Wijmenga C, Langford C, Edkins S, Andrews R, Blackburn H, Strange A, Band G, Pearson RD, Vukcevic D, Spencer CCA, Deloukas P, Mrowietz U, Schreiber S, Weidinger S, Koks S, Kingo K, Esko T, Metspalu A, Lim HW, Voorhees JJ, Weichenthal M, Wichmann HE, Chandran V, Rosen CF, Rahman P, Gladman DD, Griffiths CEM, Reis A, Kere J, Nair RP, Franke A, Barker J, Abecasis GR, Elder JT, Trembath RC, Duffin KC, Helms C, Goldgar D, Li Y, Paschall J, Malloy MJ, Pullinger CR, Kane JP, Gardner J, Perlmutter A, Miner A, Feng BJ, Hiremagalore R, Ike RW, Christophers E, Henseler T, Ruether A, Schrodi SJ, Prahalad S, Guthery SL, Fischer J, Liao W, Kwok P, Menter A, Lathrop GM, Wise C, Begovich AB, Onoufriadis A, Weale ME, Hofer A, Salmhofer W, Wolf P, Kainu K, Saarialho-Kere U, Suomela S, Badorf P, Huffmeier U, Kurrat W, Kuster W, Lascorz J, Mossner R, Schurmeier-Horst F, Stander M, Traupe H, Bergboer JGM, den Heijer M, van de Kerkhof PCV, Zeeuwen P, Barnes L, Campbell LE, Cusack C, Coleman C, Conroy J, Ennis S, Fitzgerald O, Gallagher P, Irvine AD, Kirby B, Markham T, McLean WHI, McPartlin J, Rogers SF, Ryan AW, Zawirska A, Giardina E, Lepre T, Perricone C, Martin-Ezquerra G, Pujol RM, Riveira-Munoz E, Inerot A, Naluai AT, Mallbris L, Wolk K, Leman J, Barton A, Warren RB, Young HS, Ricano-Ponce I, Trynka G, Pellett FJ, Henschel A, Aurand M, Bebo B, Gieger C, Illig T, Moebus S, Jockel KH, Erbe R, Donnelly P, Peltonen L, Blackwell JM, Bramon E, Brown MA, Casas JP, Corvin A, Craddock N, Duncanson A, Jankowski J, Markus HS, Mathew CG, McCarthy MI, Palmer CNA, Plomin R, Rautanen A, Sawcer SJ, Samani N, Viswanathan AC, Wood NW, Bellenguez C, Freeman C, Hellenthal G, Giannoulatou E, Pirinen M, Su Z, Hunt SE, Gwilliam R, Bumpstead SJ, Dronov S, Gillman M, Gray E, Hammond N, Jayakumar A, McCann OT, Liddle J, Perez ML, Potter SC, Ravindrarajah R, Ricketts M, Waller M, Weston P, Widaa S, Whittaker P, Collaborative Assoc Study P, Genetic Anal Psoriasis C, Psoriasis Assoc Genetics E and Wellcome Trust Case Control C
Année2 012
Date de création06/01/2017
Facteur Impact 

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