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To carry out their activities, Research Teams of the Frédéric Joliot Institute for Life Sciences have developed high-profile technological platforms in many areas : biomedical imaging, structural biology, metabolomics, High-Throughput screening, level 3 microbiological safety laboratory...
All the news of the Institute of life sciences Frédéric Joliot
Conference | Brain
Li ZHAOPING (Tübingen MPI, Germany) will give a talk on Zoom.
Cyril POUPON (NeuroSpin/BAOBAB) will give a talk on Zoom.
Edgard WALKER (University of Tübingen, Germany) will give a talk on Zoom.
Baptise COUVY-DUCHESNE SLATER (University of Queensland, Brisbane, Australia / Brain and Spine Institute, Paris, France) will give a talk on Zoom.
Daniel MARGULIES (CNRS Research Director at ICM, Paris) will give a talk on Zoom.
Rebeccah SLATER (University of Oxford, St John's College Professorial Fellow, Department of Paediatrics) will give a talk on Zoom.
Nils KOLLING (University of oxford, Oxford Centre for Human Brain Activity) will give a talk on Zoom.
Andre F Marquand (Donders Institute for Bain and Cognitio, Radboud Universisty, Nijmegen) will give a talk on Zoom.
Shahar ARZY (Computational Neuropsychiatry Lab, University of Jerusalem) will give a talk on Zoom.
Valérie DOYERE (NeuroPSI) will give a talk on Zoom.
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CEA is a French government-funded technological research organisation in four main areas: low-carbon energies, defense and security, information technologies and health technologies. A prominent player in the European Research Area, it is involved in setting up collaborative projects with many partners around the world.