Team leader: Edith Le Floch
E-mail: lefloch
The Math and Statistics Team (MS) plays a pivotal role at the National Center of Human Genomics Research. Its field of action covers 3 distinct functions. First of all, the MS is responsible for the quality control of data generated by the genotyping platform. This function conducted in cooperation with the team dedicated to 'quality control' necessitates fine methodological monitoring in order to compare and set up the statistical tools appropriate for the production of reliable and precise data.
The MS also acts as a reference for the evaluation and validation of statistical analysis plans for in-house projects and cooperative (outside) projects for studies addressing human genetics using the CNRGH genotyping and sequencing platforms. In order to evaluate the ability of a project to respond in a pertinent manner to a precise scientific question, we have developed in-depth knowledge of statistical tools and their power. In the context of that activity, the MS is a partner in several cooperative projects addressing a variety of phenotypes such as psychiatric diseases, malaria and thyroid cancer, and human population genetics projects.
Lastly, the MS is the initiator of methodological projects on innovative subjects of interest to the genetics community. In particular, the MS has developed expertise in the statistical methods for the study of genetic associations, particularly rare variants, gene/environment interactions and gene pathways.