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Chemistry for life sciences laboratory


Published on 29 March 2021
This laboratory is composed of two expert teams in peptide or pseudo-peptide synthesis, exploiting parallel or combinatorial approaches in various fields: synthesis of inhibitors or probes dedicated to the functional study of zinc metalloproteases; design and synthesis of mini-proteins mimicking the activity of proteins involved in human diseases; development of new protein ligands that can be used as specific probes for molecular imaging; characterization of the cellular immune response and identification of immunogenic protein sequences for diagnostic or vaccine applications.

Team Leader
Vincent Dive
33 1 69 08 26 03

Metalloproteases functions (Vincent DIVE)

Human resources

Bernard Maillère, Researcher
Catherine Menier, Researcher
Sarah Brégant, Researcher
Laurent Devel, Researcher
Vincent Dive, Researcher
Alain Lecoq, Research Engineer
Fabrice Beau, Research Engineer
Evelyne Cassar, Technician
Carole Malgorn, Technician
Hervé Nozach, Research Engineer
Carole Fruchart, Research Engineer
Marion Helle, Postdoctoral Fellow
Thomas Bordenave, Postdoctoral Fellow
Ha Phuong Ta, Postdoctoral Fellow
Elodie Marcon
Moustafa Hamze
Sylvain Meunier
Pierre Bonnesoeur
Nicole Van‘t Wout Hofland


The understanding of protein-ligand interactions at the molecular level (a) allows the design of molecular mimics of reduced size , small proteins (b) or pseudo-peptides (c).