Published on 3 January 2022
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Medical Magnetic Resonance Imaging and Multi-Modalities - IR4M is a Mixed Research Unit (UMR 8081) belonging to CNRS and Paris-Sud University. This Unit consists of 3 teams active in Magnetic Resonance Imaging, Ultrasound Imaging and Optical Imaging. |

Clinical imaging of neurodegenerative diseases - The team belong to the Neurodegenerative Diseases Laboratory (UMR9199 CNRS/CEA) of MIRCen (Institut de biologie François Jacob). It is based in the Service Hospitalier Frédéric Joliot (SHFJ). |
| Child Epilepsy and Cerebral Plasticity - This Mixed Research Units, belonging to Inserm and Paris-Descartes University(UMR1129), is based in the Service Hospitalier Frédéric Joliot (SHFJ) and NeuroSpin Department. It integrates imaging, neuropsychology, pharmacology, genetics and electrophysiophysiology. |
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