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Genome-wide haplotype association study identifies the FRMD4A gene as a risk locus for Alzheimer's disease

Published on 2 October 2023
Genome-wide haplotype association study identifies the FRMD4A gene as a risk locus for Alzheimer's disease
Date de publication 
Lambert JC, Grenier-Boley B, Harold D, Zelenika D, Chouraki V, Kamatani Y, Sleegers K, Ikram MA, Hiltunen M, Reitz C, Mateo I, Feulner T, Bullido M, Galimberti D, Concari L, Alvarez V, Sims R, Gerrish A, Chapman J, Deniz-Naranjo C, Solfrizzi V, Sorbi S, Arosio B, Spalletta G, Siciliano G, Epelbaum J, Hannequin D, Dartigues JF, Tzourio C, Berr C, Schrijvers EMC, Rogers R, Tosto G, Pasquier F, Bettens K, Van Cauwenberghe C, Fratiglioni L, Graff C, Delepine M, Ferri R, Reynolds CA, Lannfelt L, Ingelsson M, Prince JA, Chillotti C, Pilotto A, Seripa D, Boland A, Mancuso M, Bossu P, Annoni G, Nacmias B, Bosco P, Panza F, Sanchez-Garcia F, Del Zompo M, Coto E, Owen M, O'Donovan M, Valdivieso F, Caffara P, Scarpini E, Combarros O, Buee L, Campion D, Soininen H, Breteler M, Riemenschneider M, Van Broeckhoven C, Alperovitch A, Lathrop M, Tregouet DA, Williams J, Amouyel P, Consortium E and Consortium G
Département / Service
Impact Factor 
Institut IG
url DOI10.1038/mp.2012.14

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