The French Plan for Neurodegenerative Diseases 2014–2019 (PMND;
Plan maladies neuro-dégénératives) has been completed. The French National Research Agency and ITMO Neurosciences, Cognitive Sciences, Neurology, Psychiatry are holding a day-long colloquium to review the projects that received funding in the field between 2011 and 2014. The colloquium is open to the totality of the scientific community after
mandatory pre-registration.
09:00–10:00 a.m.: Opening remarks
Focus on neurodegenerative diseases
ITMO NNP : Etienne HIRSCH et Bernard POULAIN
Fondation ALZHEIMER : Philippe AMOUYEL - Actions JPND et Agenda des Stratégies Recherche et Innovation (SRIA)
ANR : Catherine HEURTEAUX - Bilan Appels d'offres 2010-2018, ANR
-> 10:00 - 10:35: Keynote : Context and issues in neurodegenerative diseases research - Luc BUEE
-> 10:35 - 12:25 p.m.: Parkinson's disease
Moderator: Etienne HIRSCH
10:35–10:50: Erwan BEZARD (Bordeaux): Multifactorial modeling of Parkinsonian degeneration: Toward heuristic translational models
10:50–11:05: Marianne AMALRIC (Marseille): Pathophysiological implications of striatal cholinergic interneurons: optogenetic approach in Parkinsonian models
11:05–11:20: Chiara ZURLOLO (Paris): Role of the propagation of assemblies of α-synuclein, a pathogenic protein in neurodegenerative diseases
11:20–11:30: Q&A
11:30–11:45: Coffee break
11:45–12:00 p.m.: Daniel GONZALEZ-DUNIA (Toulouse): Viral-protein-derived peptides for neuroprotection in Parkinson's disease
12:00 p.m.–12:15: Philippe BOULINGUEZ (Lyon): Loss of motor inhibition control: another vision of akinesia in Parkinson's disease
12:15–12:25: Q&A
12:25–1:30: Lunch break
-> 1:30–2:25: Alzheimer's disease and neuroinflammation
Moderator: Catherine HEURTEAUX
1:30–1:45: Sylvain LEHMANN (Montpellier): Peripheral blood markers of neuroinflammation and neurodegeneration in Alzheimer's disease: pathophysiological and diagnostics study
(Fontenay-aux-Roses): Astrocytes in Alzheimer's disease
2:00–2:15: Stéphanie DEBETTE (Bordeaux): Genetics of MRI markers of cerebral small artery disease: implications for risks of cognitive decline and dementia
2:15–2:25: Q&A
2:25–3:35: Alzheimer's disease, dementia and cognitive decline: synaptic plasticity, receptors, metabolism and markers in imaging studies
Moderator: Catherine HEURTEAUX
2:25–2:40: Christophe MULLE (Bordeaux): Synaptic deficits in Alzheimer's disease
2:40–2:55: Anne BOUTILLIER (Strasbourg): Epigenetic signatures in a murine model of Alzheimer's disease: an acetyltransferase activator to reestablish synaptic plasticity and memory
2:55–3:10: Sylvie CHALON (Tours): Molecular imaging of nicotinic receptors after seven years of Alzheimer's disease
(Paris): Cellular origins of metabolic deficits in Alzheimer's disease
3:25–3:35: Q&A
-> 3:35–3:50: Coffee break
-> 3:50–4:45: Huntington's disease
Moderator: Bernard POULAIN
3:50–4:05: Pau BERNADO (Montpellier): Characterization of protein states involved in Huntington's disease: an integrative approach
4:05–4:20: Sandrine HUMBERT (Grenoble): Huntingtin and neurogenesis
4:20–4:35: Karine MERIENNE (Strasbourg): Epigenetic regulation in Huntington's disease
4:35–4:45: Q&A
-> 4:45–5:20: Multiple sclerosis and AMD
Moderator: Bernard POULAIN
4:45–5:00: Christophe COMBADIERE (Paris): Chemokine receptor inhibitors as anti-inflammatories in AMD and EAE. Validation of the strong antagonist activity of ECL1i against CCR2
5:00–5:15: Bertrand HUARD (Grenoble): Neuroprotective role of the APRIL/BAFF axis in the central nervous system
5:15–5:20: Q&A
-> 5:00–5:30: Conclusion
Moderators: Etienne HIRSCH, Bernard POULAIN, Philippe AMOUYEL, Catherine HEURTEAUX, Geneviève ROUGON