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Determinants of Early Alcohol Use In Healthy Adolescents: The Differential Contribution of Neuroimaging and Psychological Factors

Published on 2 October 2023
Determinants of Early Alcohol Use In Healthy Adolescents: The Differential Contribution of Neuroimaging and Psychological Factors
Date de publication 
Nees F, Tzschoppe J, Patrick CJ, Vollstadt-Klein S, Steiner S, Poustka L, Banaschewski T, Barker GJ, Buchel C, Conrod PJ, Garavan H, Heinz A, Gallinat J, Lathrop M, Mann K, Artiges E, Paus T, Poline JB, Robbins TW, Rietschel M, Smolka MN, Spanagel R, Struve M, Loth E, Schumann G, Flor H and Consortium I
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Institut IG
url DOI10.1038/npp.2011.282

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