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Comparative analysis of genome-wide association studies signals for lipids, diabetes, and coronary heart disease: Cardiovascular Biomarker Genetics Collaboration

Published on 2 October 2023
Comparative analysis of genome-wide association studies signals for lipids, diabetes, and coronary heart disease: Cardiovascular Biomarker Genetics Collaboration
Date de publication 
Angelakopoulou A, Shah T, Sofat R, Shah S, Berry DJ, Cooper J, Palmen J, Tzoulaki I, Wong A, Jefferis BJ, Maniatis N, Drenos F, Gigante B, Hardy R, Laxton RC, Leander K, Motterle A, Simpson IA, Smeeth L, Thomson A, Verzilli C, Kuh D, Ireland H, Deanfield J, Caulfield M, Wallace C, Samani N, Munroe PB, Lathrop M, Fowkes FGR, Marmot M, Whincup PH, Whittaker JC, de Faire U, Kivimaki M, Kumari M, Hypponen E, Power C, Humphries SE, Talmud PJ, Price J, Morris RW, Ye S, Casas JP and Hingorani AD
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url DOI10.1093/eurheartj/ehr225

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