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Back to the Future of Soil Metagenomics

Published on 2 October 2023
Back to the Future of Soil Metagenomics
Date de publication 
Nesme J, Achouak W, Agathos SN, Bailey M, Baldrian P, Brunel D, Frostegard A, Heulin T, Jansson JK, Jurkevitch E, Kruus KL, Kowalchuk GA, Lagares A, Lappin-Scott HM, Lemanceau P, Le Paslier D, Mandic-Mulec I, Murrell JC, Myrold DD, Nalin R, Nannipieri P, Neufeld JD, O'Gara F, Parnell JJ, Puhler A, Pylro V, Ramos JL, Roesch LFW, Schloter M, Schleper C, Sczyrba A, Sessitsch A, Sjoling S, Sorensen J, Sorensen SJ, Tebbe CC, Topp E, Tsiamis G, van Elsas JD, van Keulen G, Widmer F, Wagner M, Zhang T, Zhang XJ, Zhao LP, Zhu YG, Vogel TM and Simonet P
Département / Service
Impact Factor 
url DOI10.3389/fmicb.2016.00073

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