Solar Decathlon is an international university competition created in 2002 at the initiative of the United States Department of Energy, with the aim of developing the transmission of knowledge and research, particularly in the field of solar energy applied to housing. It rewards innovative projects for sustainable construction and living in cities.
Matthew, a student at INES.2S, and the whole Team AuRA are in the final weeks of their preparation for the Solar Decathlon Europe which will be held in Germany from 10 to 26 June 2022.
Discover the Team AuRA project:
TEAM AuRA is co-directed by the École Nationale Supérieure d'Architecture de Grenoble (ENSAG) and the Grands Ateliers Innovation Architecture (GAIA), two organizations that are very involved in the Solar Decathlon. AuRA participated in the 2010 (where they won first place) and 2012 (where they won fourth place) competitions in Madrid. In 2014, they participated in the organisation of the event for a French edition.
The team also brings together forces from the Ecole nationale supérieure d'architecture de Saint-Etienne, the University of Grenoble, the ENSE3 school, the ENSAM Chambéry school, the Association des compagnons du devoir et du tour de France, the IUTGEII Grenoble, the IAE de Grenoble, the URBAN school in Lyon and HES-SO.
The CEA and INES, and now INES.2S, have been partners of Team AURA since its creation.
Led by the CEA at INES, ITE INES.2S is an institute for energy transition (ITE) co-financed by the French government under the Programme d'Investissements d'Avenir (ANR-10-IEED-0014-01). Its mission is to develop an industrial sector for the integration of photovoltaic solar energy in France, in support of the French Multiannual Energy Programming Law.