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Multi-Energy Smart Grid Platform


Published on 4 June 2024

New energ​​y system dimensioning and control

​Multi-Energy Smart Grid Platform​

Localized in Chambéry this platform's goal is to evaluate energy management technologies on complicated networks (electricity/ gas/ heat) in real-world scenarios before deploying them.

This semi-virtual platform aims to test actual components on real networks but whose applications are simulated (virtualized). This enables the creation of multiple usage profiles and the identification of their impact on the system's overall functionality. The platform's work attempts to dimension, control, and optimize:

  • energy systems, which include a variety of production sources, particularly those that are renewable in nature (photovoltaic, micro-hydro, etc.).
  • facilities for conversion (electrical, electricity/heat, electricity/gas converters, and so forth).
  • electrical or heat storage facilities by mixing emulators and genuine components

Its design enables researchers to investigate various network configurations ranging from micro-ilotated to interconnected networks, test components, establish control strategies, test them, and therefore optimise their profitability.



​​​€2 million in investment​

300 sq. m​ of facilities​,

and a 4,000 sq. m​ outdoor testing platform​


​The platform is built on some of Europe's most unique capabilities:

  • Multivalent heat / cold / electricity networks implementing :  
    • Photovoltaic and thermal solar sources,  
    • Dedicated information systems for control and monitoring (local or remote),  
    • Flexible interconnection points between electrical, thermal & gas networks,  
    • ​Energy converters on all vectors.​  
  • ​Real-time Hardware-In-The-Loop (HIL) simulation systems for semi-virtual simulation of multi-vector energy networks with high integration of renewable energy sources, whether connected or not,
  • ​​Interconnectivity between remote sites for data flow and model validation,
  •  A data management system, as well as a virtual usage control center and monitoring room (SCADA).​

The platform has technical equipment installed on the electrical network:​ ​

  • Production: 
    • C​onfigurable PV field of 150 kWp 600 V DC + 200 kWp 1500 V DC PV simulation,​
    • 3 ​generators of 130 kVA.​
  • Storage: 
    • Battery storag​​e of 120 kVA/160 kWh + 250kW of batteries by simulation.​
  • Conversion: 
    • 2 loadba​nks 250 kVA​ 
  • Distribution and cons​umption networks: ​ 
    • Electronic load​ capacity: 130 kVA AC three-phase,​
    • 6 bar c​onnection buses 200A / 400V AC,​​
    • 170 kVA @ 400 ​VAC connected to the network + 45 kVA AC network simulation.

The platform has the following technological equipment installed for the heating and cooling network:​

  • Production / Conversion
    • Auxiliary systems: Gas condensing boiler: 300 kW (hot),​
    • Low-temperature thermal solar: 300 m²,​
    • Heating/cooling conversion power (heat pump): 55 kW (heating) and 34 kW (cooling).​
  • Storage: 
    • Low temperature heat storage: 40 m3 @90°C,​ 
    • Cold storage: 5 m3 @ 7°C.​
  • Distribution​ and consumption networks:​
    • ​2 * 2 tubes (7/12°C ​& 90/70°C), 
    • Substations: utilities,​
    • SReal substations and virtual substations (HIL): consumers, storages, producers.​


This platform allows for functional testing of equipment, development and validation of EMS algorithms and smart charging / V2G (Vehicle-to-Grid) / V2H (Vehicle-to-Home) testing.​
