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Disability Mission


Published on 31 July 2020




​From thirty years, CEA has been engaged to the employment, job retention and training of its employees with disabilities. We work every day to improve people's working conditions by acting on the prevention of drudgery.

By joining CEA, you will be accompanied and advised by the Disability Mission to help you to succeed your mission within the company.

We are convinced that diversity is essential. Your skills are our priority in order to achieve our missions and go further in our research areas.

For more information, check our dedicated page "CEA & Disability" (in french)

Come and join us.


​How to apply to CEA​

You have or will have an RQTH (Disabled Worker Recognition): send your application by e-mail to accompanied by the reference of the offer.​

Employee Stories​

​CEA is an innovative company where there are optimal working conditions. In addition to supporting its employees with disabilities, CEA is working to improve the accessibility of its infrastructures. The Disability Mission organized a meeting with my future supervisors before my arrival to identify the specific accommodations or compensation tools for implementation to do my thesis in the best conditions.​

Nathanaël, PhD Student in materials​

I have a knee problem and skin cancer. I hired a Disabled Worker Recognition from more than twenty years but I had never really used it. Then Disability Mission told me about the benefits that could offer to me. They offered me an adapted seat and a personal printer that would save me from getting up. These solutions made my work more comfortable.​

Catherine, Human Resources Manager​



Having benefited from the RQTH for a long time through several companies before arriving at CEA. The resources offered by CEA Disability Mission impressed me: fire safety, accessibility and ergonomic workplace... Special attention given to the specificity of the employee according to the nature of his/her disability. I greatly appreciated the openness and friendliness of my colleagues and collaborators who gave me a very pleasant welcome and an excellent work experience at CEA.

​​​Clémentine, digital tools assistant​