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Profile | Photovoltaic solar power | Renewable energies

Delfina MUÑOZ


Published on 30 September 2024

Delfina MUÑOZ

Dr. hab.​

Dr. Delfina Muñoz is senior researcher in solar energy department of CEA-Liten. She is in industrial engineer and holds a PhD in photovoltaics from Universidad Politécnica de Cataluña. In 2008, she joined CEA.

She has >50 publications and >100 conference presentations.

She is in the Board of the Chilean ATAMOSTEC project related to reliability of PV in desert areas, in the steering committee of the heterojunction and tandemPV workshops, topic organizer of WCPC, PVSEC and IEEE conferences (main PV conferences) and reviewer in several high impact journals.

Since 2019, she is in the steering committee of the ETIP-PV.

She works as European project manager. She still combines project activity with the laboratory, directing PhD students and developing heterojunction solar cells for the next tandem photovoltaic technology.





  • 10 staff
  • 0 postdocs
  • 2 PhD students​​

Research Activities

- Materials & their characterization for PV: amorphous & microcrystalline silicon, transparent conductive oxides•Processes: PECVD, PVD,

- Solar cell integration: heterojunction solar cells & tandem with Perovskite solar cells,

- Interfaces: interface management and advanced characterization for PV,

- Solar cell performance: assessment on degradation in indoor/outdoor conditions,

- Global vision of solar cells and modules with eco-design approach.​

Selected publications and conferences:​ 

  • Optical, electrical and chemical characterization of inorganic hole transporting materials for the recombination junction in two-terminal perovskite / silicon heterojunction solar cells​, Solar Energy, 2024, DOI: 10.1016/j.solener.2024.112375
  • Desert label development for improved reliability and durability of photovoltaic modules in harsh desert conditions, Solar Energy Materials and Solar cells, 2022, DOI: 10.1016/j.solmat.2021.111508
  • Microcrystalline Silicon Tunnel Junction for Monolithic Tandem Solar Cells Using Silicon Heterojunction Technology, IEEE Journal of PV, 2021, DOI: 10.1109/jphotov.2020.3038600
  • Silicon Heterojunction Technology at CEA: what we learnt during 15 years development?IEEE, online, 2020, invited
  • Overview on the amorphous/crystalline silicon heterojunction development at CEA-INES: from R&D activities up to ready-to-market technology, MRS Boston, 2018, invited

Selected patents:​

  • 2023 | Hole-selective contact structure for solar cell, EP22306957.6
  • 2020 | Simplified structure of two-terminal tandem solar cells with conductive transparent oxide junction material, FR2013592
  • 2019 | Method of characterizing a solar cell under conditions similar to those of a tandem-architecture solar device, FR2009990
