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Event | Photovoltaic solar power


From 9/23/2024 to 9/27/2024
ACV, Vienna, Austria

Are you ready? The leading international photovoltaics conference PV-SEC opens its doors on Monday 23 September in Vienna, Austria. Every year, this is the must-attend event for the solar science and industry. Our experts are looking forward to presenting the latest results from our laboratories!

With CEA and INES PFE authors contributing to nearly 40 presentations, a delegation of 20 researchers will be representing us this year. And as it would take too long to list all the highlights, here's our programme for the first day to make it easier for you to get there:

  • Don't miss Eszter Voroshazi's overview of photovoltaic module technologies in the plenary session (AP.1) on Monday morning: [Module Technology Overview - A Manufacturing Perspective].
  • our presentations on processes for high-efficiency silicon cells on Monday afternoon (session 1AO.5) by Adrien Danel and Adeline Lanterne: [Thermal Pre-treatment of as Cut Wafers for high efficiency Silicon Heterojunction Solar Cells] in partnership with ENEL and [Copper-based Metallization Approaches for Drastic Reduction of Silver Content in Heterojunction Solar Cells] in partnership with CSEM.
  • Romain Cariou's contributions to the session on photovoltaics for space applications (2AO.3), at the end of the day on Monday: [Towards a Robust Silicon PV Technology for Space ] and [Carrier recombination in Ga-doped Silicon with Space Representative Electron Irradiations: Influence of the Material Composition] in partnership with CNES.
  • And also at the end of the day on Monday (session 4AO.9), the Ioannis Tsanakas talk: [Quality Assurance from Laboratory to Field: Novel Test Solutions for Soiling-Prone PV Systems] in partnership with QPV, ENTEC SOLAR, GALP ENERGIA and CNR.

Many other subjects to discover on Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday and Friday !​

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