Published on 16 April 2024
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Dr. hab. , CEA Fellow
Dr. Hab. Jérôme Laurencin is a research director at CEA, where he leads a research group on the modeling and characterizations of Solid Oxide Cells (SOC). After a Master degree in material science and engineering, he obtained his Ph.D. from Grenoble Institute of Technology with a dissertation on the performance and durability of solid oxide fuel cells. He received his habilitation in 2013 on the modeling of high temperature electrochemical devices. He is co-author of more than 100 articles in peer-reviewed scientific journals and holds 7 patents.
- 2 staff
- 3 postdocs
- 5 PhD students
Research Activities
Jérôme Laurencin has been working on the field of Solid Oxide Cells (SOCs) for more than 20 years. His research activities are related to the SOCs modelling coupled with advanced material characterizations. With his research group, he has adapted methods based on synchrotron X-ray radiation for the microstructural and physico-chemical characterizations and developed a multi-scale and multi-physic modeling framework, from the atomic scale up to the cell level, that accounts for the electrochemical and mechanical cell behavior. His current research interests aim at understanding the complex relationships between the electrode microstructure and the fundamental properties of materials to optimize the cell durability and robustness of this high-temperature electrochemical device. |
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Selected publications and conferences:
Hole polarons in LaFeO3 and La1-xSrxFeO3-δ : stability, trapping, mobility, effect of Sr concentration and oxygen vacancies, Physical Review B, 2023, DOI:
Understanding the Ni migration in Solid Oxide cell: a coupled experimental and modeling approach, Journal of The Electrochemical Society,
2023170, DOI:
A Multiscale model validated on local current measurements for understanding the solid oxide cells performances, J. Power Sources, 2023, DOI:
Prediction of crack nucleation and propagation in porous ceramics using the phase-field approach, Theoretical and Applied Fracture Mechanics, 2022, DOI:
An Elementary Kinetic Model for the LSCF and LSCF-CGO Electrodes of Solid Oxide Cells: Impact of Operating Conditions and Degradation on the Electrode Response, J. Electrochem. Soc., 2021, DOI:
Selected patents:
- 2010 |
Cellule de pile à combustible haute température à reformage interne d’hydrocarbures, FR2945378
2013 | Système électrochimique type électrolyseur ou pile à combustible haute température à gestion thermique améliorée, FR2982085
- 2012 | Procédé d'électrolyse à haute température de la vapeur d'eau et d'un autre gaz, interconnecteur, réacteur et procédés de fonctionnement associés, FR2999612
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