Our experimental means


Learn more about the CEA’s different research platforms at the Research Institute for Nuclear Systems for Low-Carbon Energy Production (IRESNE).

Radiochemical analyses

LARC: A laboratory specialised in radiochemical and chemical analyses since 1964.

Dépose d’un échantillon sur un passeur d’échantillons en vue d’un comptage en scintillation liquide © A.Aubert​​​​

Fission chamber fabrication workshop

Fission chambers: A unique workshop that offers 12 different fission chamber geometries.

Chambre à fission © IRESNE/CEA​​​​

Reactor dosimetry

MADERE: A platform of measurement tools accredited COFRAC/Tests.

Plate-forme MADERE - Vue d’ensemble de la salle de mesures. © A.Aubert

Elaboration and characterisation of nuclear fuels

UO2 laboratory: A laboratory specialised in the development of innovative fuel fabrication processes

​Labo UO2 : Utilisation d’une presse 12 T en boîte à gant pour la mise en forme de combustible nucléaire © A.Aubert​​​​

Study of liquid metals

PAPIRUS: A platform specialised in studying and managing sodium and in qualifying instrumentation

​Plate-forme Papirus​ : rédunit un ensemble de moyens d'essais en sodium permettant, in fine, la qualification d'instrumentations ou de concepts technologiques spécifiques aux réacteurs à neutrons rapides refroidis au sodium. © CEA 

Study of corium and severe accidents

PLINIUS: A platform specialised in studying severe reactor accidents: core meltdown

​​Four KROTOS - Plateforme Accidents Graves PLINIUS​ © A.Aubert

Active fuel examination

LECA: A hot laboratory for the examination and fabrication of fuel rods

LECA-STAR : Travail en téléopération en Zone Avant de la cellule blindée n°3 de l’installation STAR. © A.Aubert​​​​

Nuclear measurements

LMN: A laboratory specialised in non-destructive nuclear measurements: the “nuclear measurements” centre of excellence​

Plateforme TOTEM : Laboratoire de Mesures Nucléaires (LMN) © A.Aubert​​​​

Qualification of devices

TOTEM: A unique platform used to qualify experimental devices

Plateforme TOTEM Qualification de dispositifs. © A.Aubert

Repackaging of active fuel

STAR: A facility designed to host irradiated fuel rods 4.4 metres in length​​​

LECA-STAR : Travail en téléopération en Zone Avant de la cellule blindée n°4 de l’installation STAR © A.Aubert​​​​

Hydrogeological and meteorological monitoring

LMTE: A laboratory responsible for managing the fleet of piezometers and for monitoring the hydrogeological and meteorological conditions on the Cadarache site

​​LMTE : Installation de cellules de prélèvements d’eau du sol. © A.Aubert 

Water-steam thermohydraulics and hydromechanics

POSEIDON: A water-steam platform specialised in studying thermohydraulic and hydromechanical interactions

​​​Plateforme POSEIDON : Boucle COLENTEC​ © A.Aubert

Transfer of radio-contaminants in reactors - Tritium

ATHENA​​​ : A center of expertise in heat transfer chemistry for various reactors.


Reactor power transients

CABRI: A research reactor for studying fuel and its cladding in accident conditions​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​

Réacteur CABRI. © A.Aubert