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European Microwave Week 2024

From 9/22/2024 to 9/27/2024
Paris, France


Come and discover CEA-Leti's latest results in the field of 6G: scientific advances through 10 publications/presentations and a demonstrator ​​"RIS-based end-to-end D-Band link"​​​ ​on our booth 001C.​

CEA co-organizer of the 6G forum, co-organizer of the joint booth PEPR Electronics and PEPR Future Networks (France 2030), co-sponsor of a 6G demonstration at 140GHz, participant in the round table on the European Chips Act.​


7 Papers

​​23rd September, 8:30-8:50 AM
​Room E02

Jean-Baptiste David, Alexandre Siligaris, Jerôme Prouvée, Baudouin Martineau, Mykhailo Zarudniev, José-Luis González-Jiménez​

A 22-nm FDSOI 35-41 GHz Frequency Synthesizer​

24th September, 9:30-9:50 AM
Room​ E06

Mohammad Moussa, Ayssar Serhan, Pascal Reynier, Dominique Morche, Alexandre Giry​

Bandwidth and Efficiency Improvement in Sequential Load Modulated Balanced Amplifiers​

25th September, 9:10-9:30 AM
Room E06

Serge Bories, Jean-Francois Pintos, M. Jadid, Christophe Delaveaud

Ultra-Miniature Reactive-Loaded Antenna Micro-Array on Metallic Context for Sat-IoT​

2​5th September, 11:20-11:40 AM
Room E04

José-Luis González-Jiménez, Abdelaziz Hamani, Alexandre Siligaris, Francesco Foglia Manzillo, Antonio Clemente

A 57.6 Gb/s D-band Point-to-point Link Based on Real-time Baseband Processors and Transmissive RIS

25th September, 2:10-2:30 PM
Room E03​

Alessio Berto, Francesco Foglia Manzillo

Design and Characterization of a Transmitting and Reflecting Metasurface at 30 GHz

25th September, 2:10-2:30 PM
Room E03​

Alessio Berto, Francesco Foglia Manzillo

Design and Characterization of a Transmitting and Reflecting Metasurface at 30 GHz

26th​ September, 9:10-9:30 AM
​Room​ E07

Nicolas Deparis

IR-UWB Polar Transceiver for Joint Communication and Sensing System in Millimeter Wave Band​​

5 Talks & Discussions

22nd September, 8:30 AM-5:50 PM
Room E02

Cédric Dehos

D-band RF Architecture for Beyond 5G Wireless Networks: Specifications, Challenges, and Key Enabling Technologies 
WS02: EuMC Key Enabling Technologies for Future Wireless Wired & Satcom Applications

22nd September, 8:30 AM-5:50​ PM
Room E04

Raffaele D’Errico

Indoor Channel Characteristics in sub-THz Bands up to 300 GHz, WS04: EuMC Disruptive sub-THz Antenna and Transceiver Systems for Future Sensing, Localization and Communication

22nd September, 8:3 AM-3:50 PM
Room E04​

José-Luis González-Jiménez

​Efficient D-band Transceivers for Point to Point Links Based on Channel Aggregation and High Gain Antennas​
WS04: EuMC Disruptive sub-THz Antenna and Transceiver Systems for Future Sensing, Localization and Communication

25th September, 1:50-3:30
Room​ E01

Eric Mercier,

Special Session MTT-S Intersociety Technology Panel Session- Microelectronics and Chip Acts: Attractivity, Youth, and Environment

26th September, 9:20-9:45
Room​ ​E03

Dimitri Kténas

Overview of the French Priority Research Program and Equipment’s for the Networks of the Future
6G Forum​



The 27th edition of the European Microwave Week (EuMW 2024) will come to Paris to continue the annual series of highly successful microwave events that started back in 1998. EuMW 2024 comprises three co-located conferences: 

  • The European Microwave Conference (EuMC) 
  • The European Microwave Integrated Circuits Conference (EuMIC) ​
  • The European Radar Conference (EuRAD)​

In addition, EuMW 2024 includes the Forum on Defence, Security and Space, the Automotive Forum, the 6G Forum, and an extensive trade show. EuMW 2024 provides the opportunity to participate in conferences, workshops, short courses, and special events such as Women in Microwave Engineering.​

DL_Icon.pngMore information on​ ​EuMW 2024​


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