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AWARD - Best Student Paper "honorable mention" @ISAP'22

The field of satellite technology is undergoing a revolution with the development of “New Space” and miniaturized antennas. As space becomes increasingly crowded and raises the need for optimized power directions, the ability to reduce the size and weight of satellite antennas while maintaining their performance is essential. Marwan Jadid delivered encouraging results during his presentation, showing how these advancements are expanding possibilities for applications and services that were once thought impossible. ​

Published on 3 May 2023

​After attending a Telecommunications engineering school and completing a RF/Microwaves Master's degree, Marwan wanted to explore disruptive solutions involving microsatellite antennas bandwidth and efficiency and embarked on a PhD at CEA-Leti, in close collaboration with CNES. Thanks to anechoic chambers at CEA-Leti and CNES, Marwan was able to test several prototypes and find an optimal configuration in controlled conditions.

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To develop innovative RF solutions, Marwan had to consider power-coupling methods, a critical aspect. He also focused on finding the appropriate design for the feed/excitation type and control near field coupled power. Marwan was pleased by fantastic performances involving a non-conventional antenna size, which will contribute to reducing EM pollution and space crowding.

By combining my understanding of field and circuit theories from my background in RF engineering, I came up with a successful design for a new solution. I am confident that my skills and experience will help me push the boundaries of what is possible in the field of Radio-frequency Engineering.

What's Next

As Marwan is passionate about all things applied electromagnetics, he is eager to tackle new challenges and to explore uncharted territories at CEA-Leti labs.

If you want to know more about his work:

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