Lighter and more compact optical systems without compromising image quality
While the market for digital cameras, which are both heavy and expensive, has taken a hit from the mass adoption of smartphones, phones typically do not provide excellent image quality.
PIXCURVE is CEA-Leti’s innovative solution for the imaging market, its very latest technology for curving optical components that improve image quality.
Technology for curved optical components
With CEA-Leti's bio-inspired technology for curving optical components, sensors
are curved in the same way as the human retina. This technology enables up to 60% reduction in lens size by reducing the number of elements needed for the optical system, without altering image quality. PIXCURVE also helps improve performance & compensation for optical aberrations. This is great news for a digital camera market searching for new momentum."
What are the target markets?
This technology, the only one of its kind in the world, offers industrials improved image quality and/or size reduction, which will translate into new business opportunities. Target markets are high-end photography cameras, smartphones, action cameras and virtual reality headsets."
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Want to know more about the
technology and what it can offer in terms of image quality and reduced lens
size for the target markets?
Meet David Henry at
CEA Tech Village
CES 2019: Leti will be in Las Vegas from January 8 to 11!
Flyer micro display