Starting date : Jun 2016 > Dec 2020 Lifetime: 60 months
Program in support : ICT-28-2015 - Cross-cutting ICT KETs
Status of project : complete
CEA-Leti's contact :
> Sergio Nicoletti
> Jean-Marc Fodelli
> Laurent Fulbert
Project Coordinator: CEA-Leti
Partners: - AT: Quantared
- CH: Alpes Laser, CSEM
- DE: Bosch, Fraunhofer Gesellschaft, NanoPlus
- FR: III-V Lab, CMP, EPIC, mirSense, Tematys
- GB: Cascade Tech., CSTG, IQE
- IT: Electrolux
- NL: Phoenix BV
- NO: NEO Monitors
- PL: Vigo
Investment: € 17.2 mi
EC Contribution: € 17.2 mi
Releases≪EU pilot lines for integrated photonics≫, J.-M. Fedeli, S. Nicoletti, L. Lagae, I. Artundo, P. O'Brien, 2017 IEEE 14th International Conference on Group IV Photonics (GFP), 79-80,2017, IEEE.
≪Mid-Infrared Chemical Sensors for Transport≫, A. Gonzalez, J. Pozo, S. Nicoletti, Environment and Space: It's time for miniaturized sensing to reach the markets, Optik & Photonik,12,5,18-19,2017.
≪Mid-infrared (Mid-IR) silicon-based photonics≫, J.-M.Fedeli, S. Nicoletti, Proceedings of the IEEE, 99, 1-11, 2018, IEEE.
≪Quantum Cascade Laser Integration on Silicon for Gas Sensing≫, M. Carras, M. Brun, J.-M. Fedeli, J.-G. Coutard, L. Duraffourg, G. Maisons, G. Aoust, S. Nicoletti, J. Abautret, 2018 IEEE Photonics Society Summer Topical Meeting Series (SUM), 233-234, 2018, IEEE.
≪Miniaturization Challenges in Mid-IR Chemical Sensing: The MIRPHAB Pilot Line Approach≫, S. Nicoletti, 2018 IEEE Photonics Society Summer Topical Meeting Series (SUM), 231-232, 2018, IEEE.
≪Miniaturization of mid-IR sensors on Si: challenges and perspectives≫, S. Nicoletti, J.-M. Fedeli, M. Fournier, P. Labeye, P. Barritault, A. Marchant, A. Gliere, A. Teulle, J.-G. Coutard, L. Duraffourg, Silicon Photonics XIV, 10923, 109230H, 2019, International Society for Optics and Photonics.
≪Photoacoustic cell on silicon for mid-infrared QCL-based spectroscopic analysis≫, J.-G.Coutard, A. Gliere, J.-M. Fedeli, O. Lartigue, J. Skubich, G. Aoust, A.Teulle, T. Strahl, S. Nicoletti, M. Carras, MOEMS and Miniaturized Systems XVIII, 10931, 109310V, 2019, International Society for Optics and Photonics.

| Stakes
Technical achievements - In relation to QC laser assembly, different Mid-IR multiplexer technologies have been developed for the broad wavelength spectral range between 4.5 and 12 μm. To extend the spectral range beyond 8 μm in the LWIR region, the platform has been matured to feature a Ge core surrounded by thick SiGe layers. Input and output facets for QCL butt coupling have been deeply co-etched onto the wafers. Chip separation has been ensured by partially dicing the back side of the wafers
- Good multiplexer performance characteristics were achieved and this technology allows operation at wavelengths, at which gases such as NH3, acetone, ozone or benzene can be detected.
- Microphones have been designed and fabricated using the “M&NEMS” technological process based on manufacturing, from an SOI wafer, a thin NEMS part for the gauges and a thick MEMS part for the diaphragm. Two microphones have been mounted on top of a mini-photoacoustic cell and a measurement setup has been developed to read out the microphone output signal generated by the piezoresistive detection scheme.
- Experimental tests with CO2 gas have provided good performance characteristics equivalent to commercial microphones.
Organizational and Commercial Achievements - The MIRPHAB project mission is to reduce commercial risk by offering technical and financial support for developing chemical sensors. The MIRPHAB pilot line is an all-service integrated pilot line for designing MIR chemical sensors in Europe. A sustainable organization capable of supplying Mid-IR chemical sensor prototyping and manufacturing services has been set up. European and non-European companies can now fabricate their own optical sensors via MIRPHAB.
The main objectives of MIRPHAB are to: - Provide a reliable supply chain of mid-infrared (MIR) photonic components for companies including, in particular, SMEs already active in analytical MIR sensing
- Facilitate access to innovative MIR solutions for companies (including SMEs) working in the field of analytical sensorsby reducing investment costs through providing open access to already developed design and testing technologies
- Attract companies new to the field of analytical sensors, which are aiming to integrate μ-sensors into their products.
Key technology breakthrough and challenge: - Miniaturization at chip/package level as key leverage tool for adding functionalities, improving performance and enforcing standardization, while curtailing costs
- Mixing and matching different technologies on the same platform.
Market potential: - Deploying new products swiftly on the market, fast-tracking key technological breakthroughs to high-added-value products
- Paving the way to large scale industrialization of Mid-IR spectroscopic sensing.
MIRPHAB is the first initiative offering prototyping of miniaturized optical sensing systems based on user specifications. It addresses a market segment, which has been constantly expanding in recent years, and is attracting industrial groups unfamiliar with these technologies.
MIRPHAB is a sustainable source of all MIR sensor components, facilitating their market introduction and thereby reinforcing European industry’s competitiveness in this sector. The goal is to promote “a single face to the customer” via open access to the entire detection chain for MIR analytical sensors.