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Kalray has developed a new generation of programmable processors. Thanks to a massively parallel architecture supporting several hundred cores, the processors deliver power, energy efficiency, fast programming, and low cost.

Published on 15 April 2016


Kalray has developed a new generation of programmable processors. Thanks to a massively parallel architecture supporting several hundred cores, the processors deliver power, energy efficiency, fast programming, and low cost.

Kalray's MPPA® architecture was developed to overcome the challenges of programming 256, 512, or 1,024 processor cores and getting them to work in parallel. Specific processing tasks are no longer hardware-dependent as they are with ASICs; plus the technology offers better performance than ASICs at a lower cost. The company, founded in 2008, has offices in Orsay and Grenoble and holds around 40 patents for its technology, half of which originated at List and Leti. Kalray also has a joint lab with the two institutions on programming tools, networks-on-chip, and the porting of applications to MPPA. The company's first commercial product is a 256-core processor made using 28 nm technology.

Kalray will be targeting real-time video encoding, CCTV image analysis, 3D and augmented reality, signal processing for the defense sector, and command and control systems, and hopes that its new manycore processors will become the model for future field-programmable gate arrays (FPGA).

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