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Published on 17 January 2025

Credits: Y.LEE/CEA


Together, light and acoustic waves offer selective, sensitive chemical sensing​​

This photoacoustic spectroscopy technique is based on the absorption of light by molecules of interest and the subsequent generation of acoustic waves. Typically used for high-resolution mid-IR spectroscopy, this technique is currently limited to laboratory applications due to equipment size and cost.​

CEA-Leti's μPAsense is a compact photoacoustic sensor operating in the mid-infrared range. It consists of a multiwavelength quantum cascade laser (QCL) source with a photonic integrated circuit (PIC) combiner in a compact photoacoustic cell. It can perform multi-gas chemical detection with a level of sensitivity down to just a few parts per billion.​

What it can do​

The selective, highly-sensitive chemical sensing capabilities offered by CEA-Leti's μPAsense technology are useful for a variety of applications:​

  • Medicine, health, and wellness
  • Environmental monitoring, food manufacturing, and farming
  • Industrial process control
  • Mobility
  • New energy industries

What makes it unique​​

The current focus is on miniaturization of the sensor at chip or packaging level to address cost reduction, multi-gas selective and sensitive detection, and portability. Key milestones toward miniaturization already achieved:​

  • An effective fabrication process for QCL sources on silicon has been developed. The wavelength of each laser is selected independently after growth of the epitaxial layers.
  • Low-loss waveguides based on Ge and SiGe alloys for PIC combiner fabrication, with optical losses as low as <1dB/cm within the 3 μm– 12 μm range.
  • Mini acoustic Helmholtz detectors based on MEMS microphones have been fabricated on silicon and are suitable for trace-gas detection.
Timeline of CEA-Leti developments on μPAsense technology

Working with CEA-Leti​

CEA-Leti is prepared to scale up and transfer the QCL technology and the silicon photoacoustic cell and is developing ultra-miniaturized sensors for selective and sensitive detection of chemicals in gas or liquids.​

Companies of all types and sizes can work with CEA-Leti to develop sensors and sensing systems leveraging this breakthrough technology. With a proven R&D partnership management processes and robust intellectual property policies, CEA-Leti is poised to bring new ideas from the lab to fab securely and efficiently.

Key facts​​

  • Detection of 1 to 10 chemicals on the same chip 
  • Wavelength engineering for optimal sensing performance
  • Ultra-low detection limit, down to a few ppb 
  • Portable, low-volume system
  • Highly-selective identification
  • Real-time measurement
Scientific publications​

  • Constancias, C. et al. (2024). “A multi-gas sensor for environmental gases: towards miniaturization with mid-infrared Quantum Cascade Lasers (QCL) and silicon integration of photoacoustic cells”. Proc. SPIE 12999, Optical Sensing and Detection VIII, 129990J
  • Coutard, J.G. et al. (2024). “Neogly™ QCL-based NI-CGM medical device". Proc. SPIE 12838, Biophotonics in Exercise Science, Sports Medicine, Health Monitoring Technologies, and Wearables V, 1283802​
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