Towards kinder, smarter medical approaches
Leti is developing the next generation of stimulation therapies, drug delivery technologies, monitoring and decision-making systems.
Leti’s health technology R&D covers the full smart device development value chain. Current research topics include smart drug delivery, resorbable monitoring systems and biocompatible materials for seamless interfacing with living matter (functionalized nanoparticles, controlled drug release capsules, subdermal implants and patches).
Leti is also actively involved in novel drug delivery technologies that are more efficient and reduce side effects. Innovative therapies will include physical effectors (pulsed ultrasounds, photonics and photo-acoustics) and 3D cell culture- and organ-on-a-chip- based regenerative medicine.
Next-generation wearable, implantable, lab-on-chip devices will be simpler to use and will offer energy efficiency, security and connectivity. They will be compatible with digital health platforms. Overall patient health data analytics will be conducted using digital biomarkers, avatars to assist in diagnosis and therapy and health maintenance coaching. These closed-loop approaches are central to ensuring better therapeutic efficacy.
Novel imaging techniques for diagnosis, including portable CT-scanner, new X-ray LEDs and optical imaging, will be integral to Leti’s health technology portfolio.
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Cell encapsulation (islets of Langerhans) for the treatment of diabetes | Leti’s health patch for improved diagnosis of sleep apnea | Full system development (exemple of Avalun's LabPad™. Avalun is a Leti startup) |

Illustration of the BCI project, showing functional substitution for tetraplegic
subjects via a driven 4-limb skeleton
Photos ©CEA and ©Avalun
Referenced publications in our annual research report:
S.A. Strola, J.-C. Baritaux, E. Schultz, et al (2014), “Single bacteria identification by Raman spectroscopy”, J Biomed Opt. doi: 10.1117/1.JBO.19.11.111610
F. Momey, J.-G. Coutard, T. Bordy, F. Navarro, M. Menneteau, J.-M. Dinten, C. Allier, (2015, February), “Dynamics of cell and tissue growth acquired by means of 25 mm² to 10 cm² lensfree”, SPIE BiOS conference, Imaging, Manipulation and Analysis of Biomolecules, Cells, and Tissues XIII.
F. Momey and al, "Lensfree diffractive tomography for the imaging of 3D cell cultures", Gretsi, Lyon Sept. 08-11th 2015.
R. Gerbelot, A. Koenig, C. Goyer, J. Willemin, C. Désir, J. Porcherot, H. S. Kane, R. Guillemaud, J.-C. Borel and P. Jallon, “A wireless patch for sleep respiratory disorders applications”, EMBC Milan, (2015).
M.-A. Quemerais, M. Doron, F. Dutrech, V. Melki, S. Franc, M. Antonakios, G. Charpentier, H. Hanaire, PY. Benhamou, Diabeloop Consortium, “Preliminary evaluation of a new semi-closed loop insulin therapy system over the prandial period in adult patients with type 1 diabetes: the WP6.0 Diabeloop study”, Journal of Diabetes Science and Technology, 2014.
C. Mestais, G. Charvet, F. Sauter-Starace, M. Foerster, D. Ratel, and A.-L. Benabid, "WIMAGINE: Wireless 64-Channel ECoG Recording Implant for Long Term Clinical Applications", IEEE Transactions on Neural Systems and Rehabilitation Engineering, Jan. 2015.
A. Guillot, A.-C. Couffin, X. Sejean, F. Navarro, M. Limberger, C.-M. Lehr, "Solid Phase Extraction as an Innovative Separation Method for Measuring Free and Entrapped Drug in Lipid Nanoparticles", Pharmaceutical Research, 2015 32(12): 3999-4009.