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IEEE 1900.7 Standard for White Space Dynamic Spectrum Access Radio Systems

Published on 1 October 2018
IEEE 1900.7 Standard for White Space Dynamic Spectrum Access Radio Systems
Filin S., Noguet D., Dore J.-B., Mawlawi B., Holland O., Shakir M.Z., Harada H., Kojima F.
Source-TitleIEEE Communications Magazine
NICT, United States, Dominique Noguet, Germany, CEA-LETI, Germany, King's College London, United Kingdom, University of the West of Scotland, United Kingdom, Kyoto University, Japan
Various measurements and studies have shown that some licensed frequency bands are underutilized at certain times and in certain locations. In particular, TV bands have been shown to have unused spectrum. Such observations have triggered strong interest in white space dynamic spectrum access among researchers, wireless equipment manufacturers, and standards development organizations. The IEEE Standards Committee on Dynamic Spectrum Access Networks created the White Space Radio Working Group in June 2011 to develop the IEEE 1900.7 standard for white space dynamic spectrum access radio systems. The standard was published in February 2016. This article gives an overview of key concepts and technologies of the IEEE 1900.7 standard, including use cases and requirements, the physical layer, and the MAC sublayer. © 1979-2012 IEEE.
Frequency bands, Network layers, IEEE standards, Licensed frequency, MAC sublayer, ON dynamics, Physical layers, Standards development organizations, Wireless equipments, Working groups, Spectroscopy

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