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Published on 7 December 2023
Research FieldAdvanced nano characterization

Domaine-SRadiation-matter interactions

ThemeTechnological challenges

Theme-SCondensed matter physics, chemistry & nanosciences

Advanced nano characterization Technological challenges Radiation-matter interactions Condensed matter physics, chemistry & nanosciences DRT DPFT SMCP LPMS Grenoble
Development and application of TERS/TEPL technique for advanced characterization of materials
TERS/TEPL (Tip-Enhanced Raman Spectroscopy and Tip-Enhanced Photoluminescence) are powerful analytical techniques developed for nanoscale material characterization. The recent acquisition of a unique and versatile TERS/TEPL equipment at PFNC (Nano-characterization Platform) of CEA LETI opens up new horizons for materials characterization. This tool combines Raman spectroscopy, photoluminescence, and scanning probe microscopy. It features multi-wavelength capabilities (from UV to NIR), allowing a wide range of applications and providing unparalleled insights into the composition, structure, and mechanical/electrical properties of materials at nanoscale resolution. The current project aims to develop and accelerate the implementation of the TERS/TEPL techniques at PFNC to fully exploit its potential in diverse ongoing projects at CEA-Grenoble (LETI/LITEN/IRIG) and with its partners.
Département des Plateformes Technologiques (LETI) Service de Métrologie et de Caractérisation Physique Laboratoire Propriétés des Matériaux et Structures
LE Van-Hoan CEA DRT/DPFT//LPMS CEA - Grenoble 17 avenue des martyrs, 38054 Grenoble +33 4 38 78 95 88
Start date1/1/2024

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