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Published on 7 December 2023
Research FieldNew computing paradigms, circuits and technologies, incl. quantum

Domaine-SElectronics and microelectronics - Optoelectronics

ThemeTechnological challenges

Theme-SEngineering sciences

New computing paradigms, circuits and technologies, incl. quantum Technological challenges Electronics and microelectronics - Optoelectronics Engineering sciences DRT DCOS SCCS LGECA Grenoble
Design of optomechanical oscillators for cryogenic applications
Quantum computing is seen as a disruptive technology that could pave the way to the design of new computers able to solve problems out of reach of classical architectures. One of the challenges towards quantum computing is to provide solutions of electronics able to control and read the Qubits at cryogenic temperature. Oscillators is a key function of cryogenic temperature that can be found in the qbit readout electronics or in the various reference frequency generators needed for high data-rate transmissions for example. The postdoc will consist in designing low phase, low power and low volume oscillator using an innovative optomechanical resonator under study in LETI and to study its performances at cryogenic temperature. The post doc will take advantage of already existing devices at LICA laboratory and on the experience of LGECA laboratory on the design of optomechanical conditioning circuits and on the characterization of cryogenic circuits.
Département Composants Silicium (LETI) Service Caractérisation, Conception et Simulation Laboratoire des circuits intégrés pour la Gestion de l'Energie, les Capteurs et Actionneurs
BADETS Franck CEA DRT/DCOS//LGECA 17 rue des Martyrs 38054 Grenoble 0438782672
Start date1/1/2023

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