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CONNECTING FOOD - A blockchain-based solution for a more transparent food industry

Published on 28 April 2020

Connecting Food brings food-industry stakeholders a blockchain-based platform that provides batch-by-batch product traceability and a digital audit of product specifications.


In today's global food industry, traceability is crucial to gaining consumers' trust. Connecting Food offers a novel solution that farmers, manufacturers, shippers, and other stakeholders in the food production chain can use to share their data. The solution leverages blockchain to guarantee that the data recorded cannot be falsified. It also includes a LiveAudit® module that checks product compliance with specifications in real time. Once a product reaches store shelves, consumers can use an app to scan a QR code on the packaging to access the details of the audit. The solution improves quality control, reduces waste, and bolsters consumer trust in manufacturers. 


Connecting Food was founded in 2016. The company established a joint lab with CEA Tech institute List in 2018 to develop its blockchain-based solution. The company has rolled out more blockchain projects for the food industry than any other company in Europe.

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