The Poudr’Innov 2.0 platform develops high-added-value components from metal, ceramic, semiconductor, and magnetic powders with applications on the energy, connector, lighting, electronics, mechanical parts, healthcare, fine chemicals, and other markets. R&D at the platform focuses on powder preparation processes designed to optimize the end components’ properties and create new properties that would be impossible if the materials were used in solid form. These include tiny components with complex shapes, lightweight hollow structures, dielectric components with high thermal conductivity, high-performance magnets, multi-material assemblies, and energy-harvesting systems.
The platform mainly uses additive processes, including 3D printing, for parts that are virtually identical to specifications, eliminating the need for machining.
The platform is the only R&D center in Europe to possess a complete range of semi-industrial and industrial equipment and is capable of completing the entire component production process under one roof, from formulating and blending powders to injection molding, compression, and printing; debinding and sintering; and characterization. The platform leverages several decades of powder metallurgy research conducted by the CEA and files around 20 patent applications per year. R&D at the platform is currently at the international state of the art.
OUR Technologies