Making airport security checks faster and more reliable
Boarding your flight with a bottle of water could once again become a reality. Morpho
(a Safran company) has developed a new airport baggage scanner that can identify
dangerous liquids inside baggage. The new scanner is more accurate than what is
currently available on the market, and, with four times fewer false alarms—and the
resulting manual searches—it should help get travelers with permissible liquids in their
baggage to their gates faster.
Morpho’s checkpoint imaging system,
which uses X-ray diffraction, is made up of
multiple semiconductor-based detectors
developed by Leti. The device, for which
Leti holds around ten patents, operates
at ambient temperature and combines
a Cd(Zn)Te detector and CMOS read
circuit providing photon counting and
energy measurement capabilities.
Morpho combined Leti’s innovation with
a multi-energy signal processing method
that analyzes the diffracted photons
to determine a substance’s molecular
structure—which is then used to identify
the substance.
This unique detection and identification
system brings false alarms down
drastically, from 20% with current
systems to just 5%.
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